Throughout most of my projects both in University and beforehand in college, I would create my composition in a studio set up or Unfortunately, Covid-19 decided to interrupt life right at the time I was planning for my next photoshoot for the second painting. I struggled to find a location for the 'Predator' shoot since I wanted to as little fuss as possible when creating the composition and therefore wanted to find a room suitable without having to arrange furniture. I finally decided on a location, planned and conducted the shoot, as I will explain beneath, however after discussing the composition in a tutorial, felt it wasn't completely suitable for my intended narrative. The trouble is I used my friends room for the shoot and she had moved out two days before to spend lockdown in her family home. So that was the first thing (of plenty) that Covid-19 messed up for me. Here, however, is some images from the first shoot and notes on a composition that almost came to life through my painting:
^ Planning of the composition.
Planning the composition enabled me to focus on every aspect, especially considering the limited time I had due to the upcoming Covid-19 lockdown. (The stress in planning this was a fun part of my project). I, therefore, wanted to have the entire composition planned so I could enter the location and proceed in taking the shoot with little hassle in testing things out and moving objects around so I could take up as little time as possible. My friend was in the middle of packing as well so this was even more important considering.
^ This was the final unedited image. (The photos on the wall would be replaced with polaroids added in photoshop)
Although the photoshoot went as planned, there was little time for me to reflect and process what aspects would have needed to change at the time of shooting. Although I was happy with the general placement of the killer, shelf and desk, etc, the objects essential to the narrative were not arranged as I had hoped upon reflection. After discussing the image in a tutorial it was decided that the positioning of the knife was too obvious, and the objects placed around did not look natural, which was not in keeping with the style of my first painting 'Prey'. As explained earlier however it was not possible to reshoot in this location so I decided, after wanting to have a mental breakdown from the stress of lockdown, to recreate the composition in my own university room. Although I preferred the layout of the first room, this layout still suited my narrative, and if anything, helped enhance the sterile atmosphere I wished to achieve.
^ Details from the first unsuccesful photoshoot.